User Permissions

On our Team, Growth, and Enterprise plans, you can define different levels of access for users in your workspace. There are 3 levels of access: admin, can edit, and can comment.

Use Cases

Bringing in collaborators with different levels of access is useful in streamlining your team's copy workflow and ensuring stakeholders only have access to the information and actions that are relevant for them. For example, you can invite: 

  • Product managers - for PMs not directly involved in the copywriting process, adding them as commenters allows them to get an overhead view on project status and provide feedback
  • Engineers - being in Ditto is helpful to see and discuss implementation notes for copy included in Ditto, as well as to reference text ready to be implemented in development
  • Legal review - add members of the legal team as commenters in Ditto so that they can approve/flag text using statuses and can be tagged and notified regarding product copy with legal repercussions

See below for a detailed breakdown of what each role can and cannot do in projects, the component library, and the account settings.


Component Library

Account Settings

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